How to manage projects with Friyay

Simply create a board for each project with the Project Plan tool.
Each board has a list of cards for tasks, notes, etc.
You can customize the columns for each board.

Cards added to your project boards are automatically added to Team Plan and My plan.
Team Plan: shows assigned goals and activities for each team member - per week, month or quarter - across all your projects.
My Plan: shows assigned goals and activities just for you - per week, month or quarter - across all your projects.
With Project Results you can track the progress for each Project.
It shows the % complete of all goals and activities due in the current week, so you get a really good visual on the progress.

Each project has a customizable board.
You can configure each board with tools, filters, grouping, sorting and even designs.
Each team member can customize each board to their own liking, without it effecting the rest of the team. Pretty amazing right?
Use it as a timeline, kanban board, sprint, table, chart and more.

Boards can have sub boards.
So you can have sub projects within a larger project.
You can have different types of sub boards to organize everything around the project: boards for notes, chats, wikis, video chats, tasks, files, databases and so forth.
This way you can create a central project hub.